The Heart Route in Wadi Rum

by vagabondsdelaverticale Click on the pic 3 times, you’ll get HD details of the climb and scan it – amazing ! On the imposing wall of Jebel Rum, a stone’s throw from the village, a splendid and demanding route has been opened by the RAP FFME group ! A real adventure for this team of […]

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Lowest climb in the World, Salty Shark

Reaching the most extreme places in the World is of interest to modern man. No more undiscovered continents to record, no more secret areas to discover… so the race to the extremes takes the form of compulsive challenges – the highest peaks, the longest sequences, speed everywhere, the collection of pluses and minuses… well, rather […]

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Where is it ? Pure limestone crag with Stalactites and Tufas. Just one of the secret cliffs of Jordan! Little less than 20 meters high, but the road runs on the top, and in the spring there is much grass for this family-friendly spot… Unfortunately, there are no routes for now… But now the climbers […]

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West side of Jebel Rum in Jordan

Voici notre dernier programme sportif – Alpinisme-Escalade en Jordanie – qui s’adresse bien sûr aux montagnards-alpinistes, agiles en tous terrains, bien entrainés, et désireux de vivre une aventure exceptionnelle. Et ceci n’est pas un slogan! Le plus abouti question ascension du Jebel Rum (1754m), point culminant du Wadi Rum Il est inédit. Nous sommes les […]

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Sabbah Ataeq - Photo Mario Verin

The true story from the beginning…. This project to train Jordanian guides in adventure tourism goes back to the late 1980s. At that time, there was no corps of guides, whether in terms of tourism, culture or sports. The first real “status” of professional guide emerged in Wadi Rum, when three Bedouins from the Al […]

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Sabbah Ataeq - Photo Mario Verin

La véritable histoire depuis ses origines… Ce projet de formation de guides jordaniens au tourisme d’aventure remontent à la fin des années 1980. Il n’existait alors aucun corps constitué de guides, que ce soit au niveau touristique, culturel ou sportif. Le premier véritable “statut” de guide professionnel a émergé à Wadi Rum, lors de la […]

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